Felica came to me from a recommendation from a fellow Ultimate Healther- Yvonne. Felica was in her first rounds of Chemo and came to me tired and in need of a boost to get her through her treatment. We got going straight away and I set Felica up with all she needed. The results were stunning. The nurses even told her that she looked healthier than they did. Her positivity and embracing of the ideas set out in the program helped her to sail through her chemo treatment at the time. Here is what Felicia had to say after the program, in a whats app to me personally.

“Thank you Tania for its so lovely to hear from you. So happy to be well and back at work. I am still juicing and it helps me stay well. I am off to Perth soon for Christmas and will be back at the end of December.I would like to start the detox in Jan and I will get in touch when I am back in Singapore. Thank you for the video link. I hope it helps motivate people to get onto juicing. It made such a big difference to my recovery. I feel blessed to have found your website I am still telling everyone about it 😘

Thank you, dear Felicia. This is just the inspiration others need to know there is hope and everyone can overcome the biggest of hurdles in life when we have the support and community around us to help us have faith and get there.

Felicia Ayling

Head Mistress, Singapore

Fiorenza joined the Ultimate Health Program back in February 2017. She was a ray of light in our group that month and was dedicated in her approach the program. I remember meeting with her and was so impressed by all the changes that she had incorporated into your life in such a short space of time following the ULTIMATE Health guidelines.

Here is an exert from Fiorenza’s whats app group that month. We called ourselves the Detox Divas!

Hi Divas ladies, I hope you are all doing well… for some of us we finished and other are nearly there…I finished last Thursday and I didn’t really at the time decided what I was going to do. But since then I realize that my body is asking me not to get too far away from the “good track”. So I keep on doing the liver-loving (the reset phase) recipe as much as possible and introducing together some fish, meat and chicken knowing that I eat each of them once a week. For the rest, I try to keep lentils and beans my best friends😃”

Fiorenza also left a beautiful review on Facebook that just blew me away. As I was once told every ripple makes a wave. The ripple is the program the wave is the impact on our lives. Here is Fiorenza’s review


This has been a life changing for me! Thanks to Tania I discovered how to deal with my issues and how to stay healthy.  I would blindly recommend a detox with Tania who is supportive and helping whenever needed all the way along. Just go for it!”

Fiorenza Toffolon


Tania helped me focus more in school. I have attention deficit, and together with Tania, I have developed strategies to be better at school. School even became a little more fun – or at least much less of a nuisance. Right after my first coaching and hypnotherapy session, I got the top score for a school presentation that I myself volunteered to do.” Leon KJ, 15 years


Coaching and Hypnotherapy

Dear Tania,  I only have praise for you. You are extremely supportive and I feel that if I ever needed you, you would be there and I have no issues with response time as you discuss thing before sending information anyway. You made me feel confident enough to actually change a long-held belief that I don’t like salads, which is particularly significant when you consider that since 19 years of age I was a vegetarian that didn’t like vegetables! (On reflection I became a carbo- terian ! ) Your warmth and enthusiasm is contagious”   Deana x


Health Coaching

“Tania has been coaching me since last year. Over the period of our sessions and my own follow through my personal life and business has become focussed, goal oriented and finally clearly identified strategies are becoming the norm rather than mythical. Tania is clear in her direction, well trained, methodical, encouraging and often directly and powerfully motivating. I sought out coaching as I just couldn’t find a start or an end to any of my business processes. In the beginning, it was time-consuming while I searched through the rubble to find the gems but now they pop out at me with Tania’s encouragement. I am starting to see patterns and I’m really looking forward to continuing the process. I feel personally uplifted. Focussing in on issues and strategising through mind maps, open dialogue and role-playing of conversations around difficult issues. Tania has an innate ability to LISTEN and to gather the picture into a manageable replay. She has enough life experience to not be drawn on the detail and keeps it very forward focused and goal oriented It become an almost vital part of my decision making and planning process. Both in my business and my personal life, I rarely make a move without the planning stages in place and this has led to success beyond my imagination which I fully credit Tania with.  Thanks, Tania”  From Megan, Hong Kong

Megan Inglis-Davies


Mike joined the program in May 2017 and credit to him, he motivated us through our detox spreading his knowledge about fitness, workouts, and introduced us to some of his progrmas too. Mike manage to lose some body fat too which he was delighted with and managed to train through the reboot phase too! Priceless.

“I first did one of Tania’s detoxes 2 years ago. I felt fantastic, slept like a log and had so much more energy during and afterwards. I also felt a lot more alert and managed to get so much more done in the day. I regularly do a 3 day juice detox whenever I feel I need it and come back to the full programme a couple of times a year. It wasn’t as hard as I imagined and I started to see results quickly which gave me the motivation to keep going. Good preparation makes a big difference too. Thank you Tania!”

Mike Hickman

Koyote Fitness, Singapore

Lisa joined the Ultimate Health Program back in May 2017. Lisa came onto the program to lose weight and feel less bloated.

Here is an exert from one of Lisa’s what’s app messages sent to the group that month. A motivating message that helped the group get through breaking the coffee crutch phase! This was the May Detox Divas of ’17

I’m on day 4 of no coffee and its way better now, but am feeling remarkably better now, hang in there, the head ache’s go away after day 3

Lisa has detoxed with us many times since and continues to lose weight without regaining, by sticking to the principles set in the program. Each time you take away a new learning, a new healthy habit. Here is what Lisa had to say about the program after her first ULTIMATE Health reboot.

I loved Tania’s program, it was super simple to follow and I lost over 10lbs by following the yummy recipes. I would highly recommend it to anyone that wants to see results and fast. Tania’s guidance was so motivating and my group was very inspirational!”


Lisa Reader


Yvonne joined the Ultimate Health program to get healthy and feel great, in May 2017. Lisa came onto the program to lose weight and feel less bloated.

Here is an exert from one of Yvonne’s what’s app messages sent to the group the month of her first reboot. And as you can see got the hubby involved and booked in the next reboot.

Hi all.  I am still juicing 2-3 times a day as broke the juicing once or twice. Also eating much lighter managed to lose 5lbs. Will try again in May. Love the recipes and juices and for sure will continue them. Hubby lost 8lbs so Is happy 🙂 well-done ladies !!

Yvonne got on so well that she recommended me to Felicity who was going through cancer treatment. You can see Felicity’s testimonial and interview above. Sharing the healthy love.

Here is what Yvonne said after the program

“Think it is the coffee I am missing most !!  My hubby is doing great on it and thrilled with his weight loss!”

Yvonne Nobel


Tania has been a wonderful support for my family and I to overcome various issues and improve our quality of life. Her all-around expertise that includes life coaching, nutrition advice and hypnotherapy (as well as an immense EQ and outstanding people skills!) means that you’ll overcome whatever has been holding you back.” Mette J

Mette J


“Blink Coaching had provided me clarity in terms of my goals in life and how to go about to get them. I never actually given the opportunity to consider my life and my course of actions before I met the lovely Tania. She has the ability to calm my nervous and worrying tendencies, and helps me to keep things in order.”
“The thing that I like the most about being coached by Tania is that she is patient and non-judgemental. I feel very comfortable to share my fears and hopes with her. One of Tania methods that I found very useful is mindfulness, to separate myself with my feelings so that I can be more aware of what I do. I feel the improvement in my life and how I communicate with others.”
“Tania has very good knowledge on healthy living and how to treat our body better. Since my interaction with Tania, I lessen my sugar consumption and my coffee drinking habit. I haven’t got the courage to do the detox programme of healthy juicing, but as we are coming into a new year, I think now I am ready to try.”
With respect,
Fitri Bintang Timur


Fitri T


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