What’s The Challenge about?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stop using shampoo? Have you ever added up how much money you spend on hair products? Or if you actually need any of them? Tania & Pamela co-founder’s of Ultimate Health, are on a mission to get as many toxin out of our lives as possible. These toxic so called “solutions” for our self care, are damaging your hair, your health, the environment and our planet. Let the natural oils released from your head coat your hair and make it shine, the natural way.
5 Different Ways You Can Start this Challenge

Water Only
Depending on how you feel. You may just want to start with the most basic. Water washing only.
This way will be the hardes to start with. But try it to begin with and then if you find it too hard then try another version below. Click the link below to find out more about water washing.
Apple Cider Vinegar & Bicarbonate of Soda
If you want to keep it super simple this is a great choice. Add to a spray bottle with some apple cider vinegar and have in your bathroom a pot of bicarbonate of soda. Spray the vinegar on first to wash. Then add a handful of bicarbonate of soda for conditioner effect.

Make your Own Shampoo
This is fun and maybe your choice if you want a nice smell too. We have put together some awesome recipes that you can make and give this challenge your own personal twist.
New Wash… A Once a Week Solution.
If you want to keep it super simple this is a great choice. Add to a spray bottle with some apple cider vinegar and have in your bathroom a pot of bicarbonate of soda. Spray the vinegar on first to wash. Then add a handful of bicarbonate of soda for conditioner effect.

Hair Types
There are 4 different types of hair type. Which one are you and here are our recommendations for which to chose from above
Dry Hair
Normal Hair
Semi Oily Hair
Oily Hair
If you are ditching the Shampoo, What about a homemade body soap?
Reducing chemicals in our lives is a major step forward for our not just our health but the heatlth of the planet too. Try a Homemade body wash and go competely green in the shower.
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At Ultimate Health we run a “no-nonsense approach to health and longevity. If you want to get healthy, feel great, reach your ideal weight, prevent or reverse a disease, then we have not only the road map but the solutions too, to get you moving towards your Ultimate Health. Our members come back month after month to try new challenges and reboots that leave us feeling fantastic.
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