Why Join Ultimate Health?
If you are looking for a plan that you can join that will motivate you to make the changes that you are looking for in your daily health, then this is the plan for you.
It’s No Nonsense, evidence-based health that you can rely on for Weight Management, Daily Energy Boosting, Anti-aging, Longevity, Prevention, and all round Ultimate Health when you keep applying the lessons that we will teach you in this program that you will come back to again and again.
Sorry we got a little excited in this video….Just to help make us smile…
Here’s How the Program is Broken Down

Level 1
10 days of DISCOVRERY & REMOVE phase. This 10 days alone is a great start. If you are looking to get motivated this is the place to start. Here we are taking out the foods and drinks that are not helpful to your health and hold us back. It’s only a 10 day commitment. Easy.. peasy….

Level 2
10 days of REBOOT. This level you will cover the Discovery & Remove phases (1O days, as well as the 10 day reboot, so 20 days in total. There is a choice of 5 different sytles of reboot so you can choose the right one for you. It’s guided by Tania and really easy to follow.

Level 3
10 days of RESET. Ok so for this level you will have completed level 1 and 2 already. By now old habits are wiped away and replaced with new healthy ways to making choices that bring you your Ultimate Health. This is a whole-food, plant-based approach that leaves you feeling like a new person.
This Program is not…
It’s not a quick fix….it’s a long-term solution
It’s not about taking supplements, shakes and expensive powders….it’s about whole foods
It’s not about starvation….it’s about feeling full and nourished
It’s not about restrictions…..it’s about eating nutritious calorically low foods that fill you up, so you can eat larger amounts not smaller!
It’s a blueprint. A “one clear” path. A tried & trusted “map” that shows you exactly what to do.
Summary of What You Get in The Program.

Recipe meal plans for each phase
Shopping lists
Guided Emails
Daily Whats app contact
Facebook support
In program support and guidance
Video tutorials for each learning
Video on how to make the recipes
Recipe books for each phase
Why it Works….
Ultimate health is a proven formula that when followed you get results. It works by
- Balances hormones
- Feeds to a cellular level
- Follows the top guidelines of the longevity experts
- Packed full of no non-sense, trusted evidenc- based learning and teaching to help you make the right choices.
- This program is not about money making, it’s about health boosting.
- Check out the testimonials.

45 Guiding Videos

1,000+ Recipes

7 Meal Plans
Do You Need One-to-One Support?
You may be the type of person that does not want to participate in a group or you may want to be part of the group but also need one-to-one motivation and support. This is my key area of expertise in helping you one-to-one. If you need regular contact, an accountability partner, a motivator and someone that will be guiding you personally through this life-changing journey then why not engage me to help you one-to-one? I offer 6 sessions of around 25 minutes and give you all the support and motivation and guidance in 6 structured calls that we can have over the Zoom chat rooms. (www.zoom.us).
CLICK HERE to find out more about this service.
This Program is for you if…
You want to lose kilos and keep them off
You have auto immune conditions
You have skin issues like eczema, acne or dry skin
Have gut issues, bloating, gas or constipation
If you do not have a clue how to start and need guidance
You want to feel energy and vitality
You find it hard to sleep
You have thyroid or adrenal issues
You are healthy and just want to continue to improve your health
If you have thyroid issues, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease
You have ongoing health issues
You have depression or anxiety
You are diabetic and want to control your blood sugars
If you need support as you can not do this alone
Why This Program is SO Special

What makes this so special is the close contact with Tania. With daily contact, she is available to give answers to the questions that you have around the program, your health and feeling great. You can find out why you have certain symptoms and how you can overcome them. Tania offers constant feedback for natural and holistic help. Looking for root cause and aiming for prevention is Tania’s message. Healing with nutritious foods, guided proven meal plans and you will see your symptoms melt away, balancing your hormones and regaining your perfect weight and body.
One to one contact from Tania or Pamela daily – it’s priceless
Get Healthy… Feel Great
Start Today, Thank Yourself
When You are Older!

Each phase we talk about and discover the right exercise for your body type.

We measure your starting point and your symptoms. There is a comprehensive 4 page guide to possible symptoms that you will see melt away by the end of the program

Stress being one of the main issues for us all Tania gives you tips and tricks on how to manage stress with some guided self hypnosis mp3’s to leave you feeling calm and in control.

Tania delivers all the latest that is being talked about in the health arena, following over 100 holistic doctors and bringing you latest in studies and science based nutrition and well being. With this you will have the power to take your heath into your own hands
Sign Up Today and Get Three Bonus Offers
When You Join

Bonus #1
You get full access to our resources page. Find out who to follow, what to watch, what you should be reading and what to steer clear of and why.
VALUE $$$ Priceless
Bonus #2
Over 500+ Ultimate Recipes
Access over 500 recipes to choose from. Breakfasts, meals, soups, salads, stews, healthy snacks, sweets and desserts & foods to make in bulk. NOTE: for Year Membership Level Only
VALUE £47.00

Bonus #3
Personal Support Group
Support from our coaches Tania or Pamela. You will be guided inn person, in real time. No recordings, No prebooking. Just motiating daily promts, tips, encouragement and support.
VALUE $$$ Priceless
The ULTIMATE Health & Weight Loss Program is a simple and easy to follow program that will help you to gain knowledge about the food that you eat, and also how it can affect our bodies. Where the hidden toxins are in our foods and how we can overcome these for a healthy and vibrant life. This program will aid in healing, energy, weigh loss, youthful and age regenerating skin, stronger hair, nails and a sharper mind.
What the program is not…
It’s not a calorie counting program | There are no extreme detox flushes | Its not a starving yourself program, quite the opposite
How long do I have to do the program for?
The program is flexible so you can either do the full 30 days or start at any phase that you like, you can always do the full program at a later date. But the best thing is to get started.
Can I continue to take my supplements and medication?
Yes if you wish, but with regard to the supplement you can come off these for the juicing phase as you will be having a lot of nutrients going in.
Always consult your doctor with any queries to your medication.
Do I have to do the juicing phase?
No you can skip this part or just do the juicing and light meals menu.
Any questions why not take advantage of a free 15 minute 1 2 1 chat with Tania.
[email protected]

- I’ve tried EVERYTHING and still can not lose weight
- I’m reaching for an afternoon pick me up
- I need my glass of wine at night to de-stress
- I can’t seem to fall asleep or I wake up in the middle of the night
- No energy to get through my day, I need my coffee to pick me up
- Stress is hard to balance in this stress fueled life
- I am fed up with diets that just don’t work
- On medication for symptoms & I don’t know how to get myself better

- If you want to lose weight
- Feel full of energy
- Have an auto-immune – thyroid, cancer, MS, Alzheimer
- Heart conditions are healed in just a few weeks
- Longevity
- Prevention

- Energy
- Alert mind
- Feeling fit
- Great sleep cycles
- Increased Libido
- Happy and much better about yourself